Version: 1.29p04

UMotion Manual
  1. UMotion Manual
  2. Introduction & Tips
  3. Getting Started
      1. Quick Start Tutorial
      2. 1) Installation & First Steps
      3. 2) Pose Editing
      4. 3) Clip Editor
      5. 4) Curves & Rotation Modes
      6. 5) Config Mode
      7. 6) Export Animations
      8. 7) Root Motion
      9. 8) Animation Events
      10. 9) Pose Mirroring
      1. 1) Importing Animations
      2. 2) Inverse Kinematics
      3. 3) Child-Of Constraint
      4. 4) Custom Properties
      5. 5) IK Pinning
      1. 1) Our First Animation
      2. 2) Editing Animations
      3. 3) Customizing an animation for a RPG
      4. 4) Unity Timeline & Weighted Tangents
      1. UMotion Tutorial
  4. How to create better animations
      1. File
      2. Edit
      3. Help
    1. Preferences
    2. Import / Export
    3. FK to IK Conversion
      1. Project Settings
      2. Clip Settings
    4. Animated Properties List
    5. Root Motion
    6. Rotation Modes
      1. Dopesheet
      2. Curves View
    7. Playback Navigation
    8. Layers
        1. IK Setup Wizard
        2. Mirror Mapping
      1. Configuration
      2. Display
      1. Tools
      2. Channels
      3. Selection
      4. Display
      5. Animation
      1. Inverse Kinematics
      2. Child-Of
      3. Custom Property
    1. Options
    2. Tool Assistant
  5. Edit In Play Mode
  6. Unity Timeline Integration
  7. UMotion API
  8. Exporting Animations FAQ
  9. Support / FAQ
  10. Release Notes
  11. Known Issues
  12. Credits

Project Settings

Project Settings Window

Project Settings

UI Element Description
Rig Type Displays the current animation rig type (Humanoid or Generic). Read only.
Legacy Rig This option can only be set for generic clips. The exported clips will be compatible with Unity's legacy animation system.
Chain Neighbour Keys When this option is enabled, the keys on the same frame of every channel in a property are linked (default: enabled). This ensures that each channel in e.g. the position property (x, y and z) has a key at the same frame.

Export Settings

These settings are used by the Clip Export Process.

Important: If you have problems with your exported animations, take a look at the Exporting Animations FAQ.

UI Element Description
File Format
  • Anim: Exports animation clips in Unity's proprietary *.anim file format.
  • Fbx Binary: Exports animation clips as binary *.fbx files.
  • Fbx ASCII: Exports animation clips as text (ASCII) *.fbx files. Text *.fbx files consume more disk space than binary files.
For FBX files it is also possible to select the file version. The default file version (2011) is tested to be compatible with most common 3D software.

Please note that Blender does not support FBX files in ASCII format.
Write Mode
  • Export As New File: The export operation creates a new file and overwrites an existing file.
  • Update Existing File: Exports animation clips into an existing file. Existing animation clips (takes) with a same name are overwritten. This is useful for attaching animations to an existing 3D model. Converts the existing file into the *.fbx format defined above.
Clip Treatment
  • One Clip Per File: Exports every animation clip of the UMotion project as separate file. The name of the file is the name the clip has in the UMotion project.
  • All Clips In One File: Exports all animation clips of the UMotion project into one file. Please note that the frame rate is defined globally in a *.fbx files. That means that all animaion clips in one *.fbx file have the same framerate. If the exported clips have different framerates, the framerate of the first exported clip defines the global framerate of the *.fbx file.
Keyframe Reduction
  • Lossless: Removes only redundant keys.
  • Lossy (Fbx only): Tries to reduce the Fbx file size by applying a key reduction strategy that tolerates a specified amount of error. This can greatly reduce the Fbx file size. Please note that usually the Fbx file size does not directly influence the size of a built game as Unity resamples the animation clips on import (i.e. for humanoid animations or if "Resample Curves" is enabled).
Position Error Tolerated error threshold for position curves in generic units.
Rotation Error Tolerated error threshold for rotation curves in generic units.
Scale Error Tolerated error threshold for scale curves in generic units.
File Scale This scale is applied to *.fbx files when exporting. The default file scale is 0.01 to convert from Unity which uses meters to centimeters (usually used in *.fbx files). When the exported animation should be used on the Unity Asset Store, a file scale of 1 should be used.
Rotation Offset Select a bone/transform that should get a rotation offset applied in the exported file. This is useful if the exported animation isn't rotated correctly.
Destination Folder/File
  • When exporting One Clip Per File: Defines a directory where to export all animation clips as separate files.
  • When exporting All Clips In One File: Defines the file in which all animation clips should be exported to.

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