Version: 1.29p04

UMotion Manual
  1. UMotion Manual
  2. Introduction & Tips
  3. Getting Started
      1. Quick Start Tutorial
      2. 1) Installation & First Steps
      3. 2) Pose Editing
      4. 3) Clip Editor
      5. 4) Curves & Rotation Modes
      6. 5) Config Mode
      7. 6) Export Animations
      8. 7) Root Motion
      9. 8) Animation Events
      10. 9) Pose Mirroring
      1. 1) Importing Animations
      2. 2) Inverse Kinematics
      3. 3) Child-Of Constraint
      4. 4) Custom Properties
      5. 5) IK Pinning
      1. 1) Our First Animation
      2. 2) Editing Animations
      3. 3) Customizing an animation for a RPG
      4. 4) Unity Timeline & Weighted Tangents
      1. UMotion Tutorial
  4. How to create better animations
      1. File
      2. Edit
      3. Help
    1. Preferences
    2. Import / Export
    3. FK to IK Conversion
      1. Project Settings
      2. Clip Settings
    4. Animated Properties List
    5. Root Motion
    6. Rotation Modes
      1. Dopesheet
      2. Curves View
    7. Playback Navigation
    8. Layers
        1. IK Setup Wizard
        2. Mirror Mapping
      1. Configuration
      2. Display
      1. Tools
      2. Channels
      3. Selection
      4. Display
      5. Animation
      1. Inverse Kinematics
      2. Child-Of
      3. Custom Property
    1. Options
    2. Tool Assistant
  5. Edit In Play Mode
  6. Unity Timeline Integration
  7. UMotion API
  8. Exporting Animations FAQ
  9. Support / FAQ
  10. Release Notes
  11. Known Issues
  12. Credits

Clip Settings

Clip Settings Window

UI Element Description
Name The name of the clip.
Framerate The current framerate in frames per second (default: 60). Changing the framerate does not adjust the keys/animation events. In order to maintain the same speed/duration of the animation clip, use the box tool (i.e. the blue bars next to selected keys/events in the dopesheet) to scale all keys/events accordingly (e.g. changing framerate from 30fps to 60fps means that the keys need to be scaled up by a factor of 2).
Clip Length Shows the total clip length in frames and seconds (read only).
Loop Clip When enabled, the exported clips loop flag will be set. This will loop the clip when added to an animator controller. Furthermore the auto/clamped auto tangent mode is changed in such a way, that the first and last key's tangent loop seamlessly.
Generate Root Motion Curves When enabled, UMotion will generate the root motion curves for humanoid *.anim files directly instead of Unity. Use the settings below instead of the settings usually shown in the Inspector of the exported *.anim file. Not supported for projects of type generic or when exporting to *.FBX.
Root Transform Rotation - Bake Into Pose Bakes the root motion rotation into the animation. That means that when the animation loops, the character's rotation will be reset to the starting rotation.
Root Transform Position (Y) - Bake Into Pose Bakes the root motion y position into the animation. That means that when the animation loops, the character's y position will be reset to the starting value.
Root Transform Position (XZ) - Bake Into Pose Bakes the root motion x and z position into the animation. That means that when the animation loops, the character's x and z position will be reset to the starting value.

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