Version: 1.29p04

UMotion Manual
  1. UMotion Manual
  2. Introduction & Tips
  3. Getting Started
      1. Quick Start Tutorial
      2. 1) Installation & First Steps
      3. 2) Pose Editing
      4. 3) Clip Editor
      5. 4) Curves & Rotation Modes
      6. 5) Config Mode
      7. 6) Export Animations
      8. 7) Root Motion
      9. 8) Animation Events
      10. 9) Pose Mirroring
      1. 1) Importing Animations
      2. 2) Inverse Kinematics
      3. 3) Child-Of Constraint
      4. 4) Custom Properties
      5. 5) IK Pinning
      1. 1) Our First Animation
      2. 2) Editing Animations
      3. 3) Customizing an animation for a RPG
      4. 4) Unity Timeline & Weighted Tangents
      1. UMotion Tutorial
  4. How to create better animations
      1. File
      2. Edit
      3. Help
    1. Preferences
    2. Import / Export
    3. FK to IK Conversion
      1. Project Settings
      2. Clip Settings
    4. Animated Properties List
    5. Root Motion
    6. Rotation Modes
      1. Dopesheet
      2. Curves View
    7. Playback Navigation
    8. Layers
        1. IK Setup Wizard
        2. Mirror Mapping
      1. Configuration
      2. Display
      1. Tools
      2. Channels
      3. Selection
      4. Display
      5. Animation
      1. Inverse Kinematics
      2. Child-Of
      3. Custom Property
    1. Options
    2. Tool Assistant
  5. Edit In Play Mode
  6. Unity Timeline Integration
  7. UMotion API
  8. Exporting Animations FAQ
  9. Support / FAQ
  10. Release Notes
  11. Known Issues
  12. Credits


Settings for the visualization of the rig in the Scene View. Can be used to show and hide various things.

Config Mode - Display

UI Element Description
Rig Layer Shows/hides the rig layers. There are 2 rig layers: The Forward Kinematics rig layer and the Inverse Kinematics rig layer.
Bone Style The style in which bones and transforms are rendered.
  • Solid will display bones and transforms with solid shapes.
  • Stick displays the bones as thin sticks.
  • Wireframe displays only the outlines of the solid shapes.
Bones Shows/hides all bones in the Scene View.
Transforms Shows/hides all transforms in the Scene View.
Names Shows/hides the names of all bones/transforms in the Scene View.
Vertex Weights Shows/hides the vertex weights visualization. The vertex weight is a value between 0-1 indicating how much that vertex is affected by a bones orientation. Vertex weights are applied during skinning. Transforms have no vertex weights. When a bone is selected its vertex weights are displayed using the color gradient defined in the options.

Note: Bones overlay the vertex weight renderer. It may be necessary to hide bones while inspecting vertex weights.
Tool Assistant Shows/hides the Tool Assistant. The Tool Assistant is a small window displayed in the current selected Scene View. It provides additional information and input possibilities for the current selected tool.

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