Version: 1.29p04

UMotion Manual
  1. UMotion Manual
  2. Introduction & Tips
  3. Getting Started
      1. Quick Start Tutorial
      2. 1) Installation & First Steps
      3. 2) Pose Editing
      4. 3) Clip Editor
      5. 4) Curves & Rotation Modes
      6. 5) Config Mode
      7. 6) Export Animations
      8. 7) Root Motion
      9. 8) Animation Events
      10. 9) Pose Mirroring
      1. 1) Importing Animations
      2. 2) Inverse Kinematics
      3. 3) Child-Of Constraint
      4. 4) Custom Properties
      5. 5) IK Pinning
      1. 1) Our First Animation
      2. 2) Editing Animations
      3. 3) Customizing an animation for a RPG
      4. 4) Unity Timeline & Weighted Tangents
      1. UMotion Tutorial
  4. How to create better animations
      1. File
      2. Edit
      3. Help
    1. Preferences
    2. Import / Export
    3. FK to IK Conversion
      1. Project Settings
      2. Clip Settings
    4. Animated Properties List
    5. Root Motion
    6. Rotation Modes
      1. Dopesheet
      2. Curves View
    7. Playback Navigation
    8. Layers
        1. IK Setup Wizard
        2. Mirror Mapping
      1. Configuration
      2. Display
      1. Tools
      2. Channels
      3. Selection
      4. Display
      5. Animation
      1. Inverse Kinematics
      2. Child-Of
      3. Custom Property
    1. Options
    2. Tool Assistant
  5. Edit In Play Mode
  6. Unity Timeline Integration
  7. UMotion API
  8. Exporting Animations FAQ
  9. Support / FAQ
  10. Release Notes
  11. Known Issues
  12. Credits


The Channels List displays all channels of the current selected joints/transforms:

Pose Mode - Channels

By using the search box at the top it is possible to filter the channels of the selected joints/transforms by name. By clicking and dragging on the resize drag handle at the bottom, the size of the Channels view can be changed.

Channel values can be edited by using the input field or by clicking and dragging over the channel name. In some cases channels are read only (like if the rotation mode is Quaternion or Progressive Quaternion).

If a channel value is modified but not keyed, it is displayed with the modified color set in the Options (default: Red).

By right clicking on the channel name, a context menu appears with several options:

Menu Item Description
Reset Channel Resets the not keyed modification of the channel (e.g. localPosition.x).
Reset Property Resets the not keyed modifications of every channel of the property (e.g. localPosition.x, localPosition.y and localPosition.z).
Zero Property Resets every channel of the property to zero (e.g. localPosition.x, localPosition.y and localPosition.z).
Key Channel Creates a key for the channel that was clicked at the current frame (e.g. localPosition.x). This is only possible if Chain Neighbour Keys is disabled in the Project Settings.
Key Property Creates keys for every channel value of the property (e.g. localPosition.x, localPosition.y and localPosition.z).
Select Property in Clip Editor Selects the property in the Animated Properties List in the Clip Editor.
Select Property Keys in Clip Editor Selects the property and all keys at the current position of the frame cursor in the Clip Editor.

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