Version: 1.03p01

Animation Converter
  1. Animation Converter Manual
    1. Video Tutorial 1
    2. Video Tutorial 2
  2. User Interface
      1. Convert
      2. GetAnimationType
      3. GetAllGenericRootMotionBones
      4. GetVersion
      5. CloneWithoutComponents
      1. class Configuration
      2. struct PrefabPair
      3. struct ConstrainMask
      4. enum AnimationType
      5. enum KeyReductionMode
  3. Support / FAQ
  4. Release Notes
  5. Credits

struct AnimationConverter.PrefabPair


This struct stores 2 prefabs of the model related to the animations that should be converted.


Type Name Description
GameObject SourcePrefab The prefab configured with as same animation type as the source animation clips.
GameObject DestinationPrefab The prefab configured with as same animation type as the destination animation type.

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