Version: 1.03p01

Animation Converter
  1. Animation Converter Manual
    1. Video Tutorial 1
    2. Video Tutorial 2
  2. User Interface
      1. Convert
      2. GetAnimationType
      3. GetAllGenericRootMotionBones
      4. GetVersion
      5. CloneWithoutComponents
      1. class Configuration
      2. struct PrefabPair
      3. struct ConstrainMask
      4. enum AnimationType
      5. enum KeyReductionMode
  3. Support / FAQ
  4. Release Notes
  5. Credits



public static void Convert(AnimationClip clip, AnimationConverter.Configuration configuration, out string logMessages)

public static void Convert(AnimationClip[] clips, AnimationConverter.Configuration configuration, out string logMessages)


Parameter Description
clip / clips The animation clip or an array of animation clips that should be converted.
configuration Holds all parameters for configuring the conversion.
logMessages The passed string is filled with log messages.




Converts the specified animation clip(s). The method accepts an AnimationConverter.Configuration struct as input parameter that configures the conversion process. The method throws an exception if something went wrong.

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